Al-Dunya, once a peaceful world occupied by humans, now invaded by evil creatures/spirits lead by the most deceitful of them all, Iblis. These creatures, “Djinns”, started to take over the land bit by bit spreading terror over the kingdom. Mokhtar, has taken upon the task to repel this invasion by eliminating Iblis’s lieutenants, one by one. With the king's blessing, Mokhtar sets out on a journey that will never be forgotten, neither by Djinns or humans.

Naar is a third person action-adventure game set in the fantasy world of Al-Dunya, where the evil djinn Iblis has invaded the land of humans.
You are Mokhtar, a wizard in training, on the mission to dispatch evil creatures from the land. 

If you want to know more about the project visit the homepage: where you can download and test a version of the game. Or visit our facebook page to get the latest news and updates about the project.

My role in the project is as a technical artist. Blog posts about the project can be found here

